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The deposit of a strain (yeast, bacterial or fungi) is free of charge and has to be accompanied with a Deposit form of the microorganism.





The deposit form must be submitted to our email.

The strain should only be sent after approval by the CIMOCC, which reserves the right to refuse the deposit.

Do you want to know our services?


- Block letters.
1. Information regarding public deposits that are pending of taxonomic description will be kept confidential until description is published or until the depositor authorizes the publication in the open catalogue. If the information is not published after 4 years from the deposit, CIMOCC reserves the right to release the strain to the public catalogue and to distribute subcultures of the strain through the MTA appended to this deposit form.

2. The undersigned declares that the samples from which the strains were isolated were collected according to the legislation of the country of origin and that the deposit of the strain at the CIMOCC does not infringe any national regulation.

3. The undersigned declares that the information provided in this form is true. AGREEMENT FOR

4. The undersigned accepts that CIMOCC supplies the strain under conditions in agreement with section B and/or according to the terms specified in the CCP MTA, and that the CCP can adopt this MTA at any time.
To be completed by CIMOCC staff
To be completed by CIMOCC staff
A. Strain description.
A. Strain description.
A. Strain description.
A. Strain description.
A. Strain description.
In application of the Nagoya Protocol (NP) and European Commission Implementing Regulation (UE)2015/1866 Commission of October 13, 2015, it is your responsibility as depositor to ensure that the microbial genetic resources were collected in agreement with the country of origins’ regulations and that the deposit of the samples in an open collection does not infringe any national obligations in the country of origin. THE CIMOCC WILL NOT ACCEPT DEPOSITS WITHOUT THE REQUESTED INFORMATION AND RESPECTIVE DOCUMENTATION. Please provide as much detail as possible on the geographical origin, and terms and conditions for use of the strain as laid down in relevant documents, including material transfer agreements (MTA), prior informed consent (PIC), mutually agreed terms (MAT) or other documents such as (export) permits. Use additional sheets if necessary. CIMOCC may have to refuse the deposit if the information provided is insufficient to determine whether the strain is in or out of scope of ABS legislation.
B. Origin of the strain. Access in situ (geographic origin and sampling data)
B. Origin of the strain. Access in situ (geographic origin and sampling data)
B. Origin of the strain. Access in situ (geographic origin and sampling data)
B. Origin of the strain. Access in situ (geographic origin and sampling data)
B. Origin of the strain. Access in situ (geographic origin and sampling data)
Documents providing evidence of legal access in the Country of Origin and providing terms for use of the MATERIAL according to the Nagoya Protocol (www.cbd.int/abs)
Answer the question and explain your reasons.
Answer the question and explain your reasons.
B. Origin of the strain. Access in situ (geographic origin and sampling data)
B. Origin of the strain. Access in situ (geographic origin and sampling data)
B. Origin of the strain. Access in situ (geographic origin and sampling data)
B. Origin of the strain. Access in situ (geographic origin and sampling data)
C. Isolation of the strain
C. Isolation of the strain
C. Isolation of the strain
C. Isolation of the strain
D. Risk Assessment (Directive 2000/54/EC). CIMOCC accepts strains belonging to risk group 1
E. Growth and maintenance
E. Growth and maintenance
E. Growth and maintenance
E. Growth and maintenance
E. Growth and maintenance
E. Growth and maintenance
F. Additional data
F. Additional data