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Mountain Research Center Culture Collection


Mountain Research Center Culture Collection


Supply of Biologcal Material

Supply of biological material in different delivery forms (freezedried, active culture, cryovials, DNA, etc.)

Identification from Microbioal pure Cultures

Identification of microbial isolate ut to the genus or species level. The service includes consultancy to define the most suitable method considering the taxonomic group of the strain typing

Gene Sequencing and Analysis

Characterisation based on the DNA/RNA sequencine of molecular markers (housekeeping, rRNA, virulence, drugresistance genes, etc.). Analysis of several markers allowing strain typing

Isolation and Purification of Strains

Isolation of strains from enviromental samples or mixed cultures to obtain pure cultures

Microbial Counting/titer

Estimation of the number of cells/ virus (total, viable, spores, mycorhizal infective propagues etc.) present in a culture or sample

DNA Extraction

Genomic DNA extraction from a pure culture of the microorganism suited for subsequent analysis (e.g. PCR, WGS)

Training Courses

Vatiety of training courses related to isolation, cultivation, preservation, identification, chacterization , etc.

“The CIMOCC provides consulting in the areas of microbiology, molecular identification, together with customized services of strain deposit and strain authentication.”


The collection is located at IPB

The Mountain Research Center culture collections (CIMOCC) is a Portuguese biological resource center and a service that provides support to R&D activities of Portuguese and foreign researchers.

Do you want to receive your quote or place an order?

Browse the CCP catalog to find your need and submit your request.
Consult our price list in the services section.
